Autos Factory Rebates and Offers

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Manufacturer (factory) Rebates are designed to help auto shoppers acquire their preferred vehicles at much lesser prices than advertised.
Because Manufacturer Rebates (e.g. cash backs to consumers and hold backs to dealers) lessen the price, we remind our members to seek out and inquire about current manufacturer rebates available on their selected vehicle models. It can be a maze of confusing information, but your Authorized Dealer Contact for the ROGEE Auto Buying Program will produce printed copies of and thoroughly explain all current factory rebates.

Sales Incentives play a major role in the auto sales industry. Manufacturers give dealers incentives (e.g. extra cash) to move certain models within certain time frames. Dealer management give their sales people incentives (e.g. extra commission) to move/sell certain cars that are sitting on the lot. Consumers receive offers from dealers and, many times, directly from manufacturers to purchase specific models.